
The central location for learning and using the tidymodels R packages

Introduction to Machine Learning with the Tidyverse

Introducing the basics of machine learning in R using tidymodels

All about learning and teaching data science

A Spoonful of Hugo: Troubleshooting Your Build

A few troubleshooting strategies to save your sanity

A Spoonful of Hugo: Page Bundles

Why (and how) you should use Hugo's new page bundles feature

A Spoonful of Hugo: The netlify.toml File

Why you should use a netlify.toml file in your blogdown site

A Spoonful of Hugo: Archetypes

Why you should use Hugo archetypes in your blogdown site

Up & Running with blogdown

A workshop to get up and running with blogdown, GitHub, and Netlify

Up & Running with blogdown

A guide to getting up and running with blogdown, GitHub, and Netlify

Advanced R Markdown

A two-day workshop for those who want to take their R Markdown skills to the next level